At this age you should be reading books which help you boost your imagination. So my favorite genres are crime, thriller, detective and some science fiction too. So most of the books in this article are Bengali( as my mother tongue is Bengali) and I guarantee these books to be your favourite, If you are an adult and a teenager by heart then also you can try these books. Let me take you through my personal favourite book collection. So, Let's get started :

The Byomkesh Bakshi Series :

I hope you guys are well acquainted with this name as many movies ( Hindi and Bengali) have been made after this character. The author or the mastermind behind this book is Sharadindu Bandhopyadhay. Byomkesh Bakshi is a  private detective(But he likes to be addressed as 'Satyanweshi'- the one who seeks truth). Along with is writer friend Ajit, he uncovers all the mysteries which comes in front of him.

You can buy one of these or buy the first two volumes of Sharadindu omnibus(1&2) which has 12 volumes(please don't get confused)

Feluda Series :

Written by the legend Satyajit Ray himself, Feluda and Topshe are the most famous detectives in Bengali Literature. Many films have been made about Feluda and his adventures.He is a private detective and smokes a special type of cigarette called 'Charminar'. Feluda is one of my personal favourite.

It has 2 volumes both containing equally interesting stories.

Professor Shanku Series:

If you are looking for books which boost your imagination then you are at the right place. This book is full of inventions and adventures of a bengali character Trilokeshwar Shanku. This book is written by the legend Satyajit Ray himself.

  The Taranath Tantrik series:

If you are a fan of the classic sunday suspense then you should now think about Taradas Bandopyadhyay's Taranath Tantrik Samagra. It is about ghosts , black magic and out of the world things which I'm not gonna give spoilers of.


Baroda Samagra:

This book is by my above mentioned writer Sharadindu Bandhopyadhyay. It is a collection of ghost stories featuring 'Bhootanweshi' aka Baroda. It is published in the Sharadindu Omnibus volume 5. 

If you want to buy these books the links are provided below:

Hope you all enjoyed the blog... please follow, share and comment on my blogs. Looking forward... Goodbye!!!!! please suggest me more ideas on which you guys will like to know.

Cheers to books!!


  1. Must read books for teenagers.....

  2. Good observation..go on girl.

  3. I have an 8 year old son...Please post some book suggestions for him

    1. Sharanya Dasgupta11 April 2021 at 22:20

      Sure... Why not?? It would be really helpful if you tell me if he will read Bengali or English....Thank you for the comment..


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