Travel With us:- Sikkimese Cuisine

    To get a glimpse of Tibetan cuisine one must visit Sikkim. From Noodles to Chhaang every favorite meal of yours will be found in the "Land of Monks".

Foods to eat:

  • Dim sums/ Dumplings: These are balls of goodness covered in flour dough. It is a Sikkimese delicacy made in about every home.It has two varieties- veg and non-veg.Its ingredients contains meat(chicken,mutton,beef and pork), vegetables,cheese etc.It usually comes with a red chilli sauce and mayonnaise sometimes along with a vegetable soup. You can also call it Momos in local language.

  • Thukpa: Thukpa is a Sikkimese noodles soup.It contains noodles with some vegetables like carrots,cabbages, spring onions and meat(chicken,mutton,beef,pork).Also called Gya Thuk in some places.

  • Phagshapa Phagshapa is mainly a pork based dish served along  with chillies and radishes. There is no variation of Pork for vegetarians.

  • Sha Phaley: Sha Phaley is heaven in your mouth. It is basically Ground meat(usually beef)and cabbage stuffed into a flour dough, then it is deep fried. 

  • Gundruk: Good news for the vegetarians and vegans. This dish is completely vegan and is made up with mustard leaves, cabbages and radishes. It is rich in roughage and increases metabolism.

  • SinkiSinki is another dish traditionally made up of radishes and taproots. It is also used as a pickle and is eaten with paratha. 

  • Sel Roti: Sel Roti is a type of fried bread and is served with a potato curry.

  • Kinema Curry: It is made with fermented soyabean and is very popular in Sikkim.

  • Gya Kho: It is a type of chimney soup as the bowl which it is served in resembles the shape of a chimney.

  • Shimi ko Achar: It is a pickle made with string beans(locally called Shimi). This accompanied by the above mentioned Sael Roti.

  • Kodo Ko Roti: It is a type of Nepalese dish prepared from finger millet and is accompanied by a tomato chutney.

Other foods are Mayasura Curry, Niguro with Churpi, Bamboo shoot curry,Thenthuk etc 

Local Beverages :
  • Tongba : Tongba is basically a millet based fermented drink of the tribal people of Sikkim called the Limboo.

  • Chhaang : Chhaang is an alcohol based rice fermented drink and is popular among the locals of Sikkim.

  • Raksi: Raksi or Rakshi is a distilled alcoholic strong beverage made with rice or millet.

This is it for today for more such travelling blogs follow me and please comment your thoughts and  suggest me some ideas☻ I would love to read your comments.

Cheers  to Sikkim!!!!


  1. Nice blog for foodies like me 🍲🍲🥗🥗

  2. Really good blog ... Keep it up����


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